InMode Forma (for smaller areas) and Forma Plus (for larger areas) is a modality that helps tighten skin on the face, neck, and body. Forma and Forma Plus is a radio frequency (RF) technology that creates a warm, deep heat. Forma uses RF energy to stimulate new collagen production and provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of your skin.

Brow lift surgery tightens the skin above the eyebrows and forehead. This procedure is perfect for patients who have sagging brows. Springs Aesthetics and Dr. John Burroughs offers brow and forehead lift surgery for men and women in Colorado Springs, South Denver, Castle Rock, and other areas of Colorado.

What Is Forma and What Does It Do?

Forma and Forma Plus offer two configurations (the larger treatment head is for larger areas of the body) and the smaller, contoured head is for smaller areas of the face and neck. Forma is a non-invasive sub-dermal treatment for collagen remodeling and skin tightening. It was developed based on the clinical success of the proprietary A.C.E. (Acquire, Control, Extend) technology. A.C.E. technology uses RF energy to target deep layers of the skin, with no area being under- or over-treated. This ensures maximum safety and consistent results.

This technology is FDA-approved. Unlike for most lasers and machines, because Forma has no lights or laser components, this treatment can be done on any skin type. Patients can just relax during the treatment feeling only a warm heat and movement of the treatment head. The subdermal heating allows your skin’s collagen to be increased and remodeled into a more youthful functioning layer. As we age, collagen layers become smashed (think of an older mattress), thus creating wrinkles and lines. The RF energy in the Forma system allows the collagen strands to remold into tighter lines, thus improving lines, wrinkles, and texture.

Forma treatments are done as a series, usually with one session a week, with a total of 6-8 treatments performed (depending upon whether the face or body is being treated).  There are two treatment heads of different sizes that allow multiple areas of the body to be treated. For the face and neck, each procedure takes about 45 minutes, with targeted heat points met and maintained during the treatment time.

A maintenance program is suggested after the initial treatments are completed to help maintain your long-term results.   Typical maintenance is a single treatment or two once a quarter.

There are two treatment heads of different sizes that allow multiple areas of the body to be treated. For the face and neck, each procedure takes about 45 minutes, with targeted heat points met and maintained during the treatment time.

What Areas Can Be Treated With Forma?

For the body, the most common treated areas are the thighs (front and/or back), hips, and buttocks. The stomach or waist can also be treated, as can the back of the arms. Most patients select 1-2 large areas for body treatments (about the size of an 8×10 paper) to be treated within each 30-60 minute procedure.  Forma Plus treatments may also be combined with BodyFx treatments for deeper pocketed areas of fat.

Before and After Pictures

Is Forma Safe?

Forma utilizes bipolar radiofrequency and is very safe.  If you are pregnant or have an indwelling electronic device (e.g., pacemaker) you should not have Forma.  Dr. Burroughs has encountered no serious burns or other complications since bringing this technology to Springs Aesthetics in 2017.

Does Forma Treat Fat?

No.  Forma tightens the skin, but does not treat fat.  We have many similar non-invasive technologies to treat fat to include:  BodyFx, MiniFx, and Evoke.  Dr. Burroughs performs several minimally invasive treatments with radiofrequency to treat fat and tighten the skin at the same time often with just a single treatment:  FaceTite, NeckTite, and BodyTite.  We also have Morpheus 8 and Pixel 8 that are powerful radiofrequency microneedling devices that can be set to treat fat at the same time as skin tightening, but these work best with a series of three treatments.

What Is A Forma Treatment Like?

Before you begin a Forma series, you will have photos, weighing, and measurements taken for later comparison and a consent will be reviewed and signed. During each treatment, a technician will apply a ultrasound gel to the treatment area and will glide the Forma head over the selected areas in small, concentrated passes until a specific temperature is reached and maintained for the required 8-10 minutes. Radio frequency will deeply penetrate into the skin, heating it. Each treatment head has a temperature gauge built into it to maintain control and make certain that no areas are under- or over- treated. Forma treatments are essentially painless and have no downtime. Most people describe them like a hot stone massage, and many find the treatments very comfortable and pleasant. After a session, patients may see slight redness in the treated area, which will lessen within a few hours. All patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect From Forma?

You should have realistic expectations about your treatments and remember that Forma should be done in conjunction with regular exercise, healthy eating, sun protection, and high-quality skin care. Forma treatments do not work as a weight-loss program and fat is not destroyed with Forma.  It is a skin tightening treatment.  Multiple sessions are required for the best results, and you should expect your progress to improve with each visit but truly become noticeable after a few months. Peak results are typically seen about 3-6 months following the series completion.  Forma is not permanent, so a maintenance program will need to be done to maintain your results long-term. During treatment most patients will feel a heat sensation and “feel” tighter. Over time patients typically notice a reduction in the folds of their skin leading to a smoother contour of the treated areas. Sagging skin will appear more toned and lifted.

How Much Does Forma Cost?

Forma is offered as a package of six to eight 45-60-minute treatments, depending on areas of treatment on the face, neck or body. If additional areas need to be added for more time, those can be priced during a consultation. After you have completed an initial package, maintenance Forma treatments are offered at discounted rates to help you maintain your tightening improvements. Should you wish to do smaller areas of the body for less than 60 minutes or BodyFx to your treatment package, we can price those for you during your consultation with our spa team or with Dr. Burroughs. Our prices are based upon our aestheticians’ high levels of experience, the care you receive, our value-added benefits, the direct supervision of a Board-certified surgeon, and the consumable costs for our treatments. While other offices may offer different pricing structures, we are confident that you will not receive the same level of care from any other facility.

For more than 20 years, Dr. John Burroughs has helped men and women in Colorado Springs, South Denver, Castle Rock and other areas of Colorado, as well as internationally, by providing exceptional care in plastic surgery and eyelid surgery. At his practice, he also offers medical spa treatments that are performed by his aestheticians. To learn more about Forma and Forma Plus, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Burroughs getting a relaxing Forma treatment at Springs Aesthetics, Colorado Springs

Dr. Burroughs getting a relaxing Forma treatment at Springs Aesthetics, Colorado Springs

Hey everyone. Dr. John Burroughs at Springs Aesthetics. I had just a few minutes, so I thought I’d get a Forma external radiofrequency treatment. This applies external heat in a controlled manner in a very safe manner because it’ll cut off if the area gets too hot. So basically this will help lift the tissues. If you do this over six to eight weekly sessions, you can get a long-lasting result. Some patients will require touch-up between three to six months, but not the whole series, and it actually feels good, kind of like a moving hot stone massage. But it does work and it’s pretty amazing that you can lift tissues with a treatment that actually feels good. So it’s good for the cheek area, the lower face, you can treat the neck with it, and in some patients you can even lift the brows just a bit. So I just thought I would tell everyone about the Forma and there’s no downtime with it. You can come in, get it done, and go on and do rest of your activities for the day. Hope everybody’s doing well. Have a great day.

Forma & Forma Plus at Springs Aesthetics, Colorado Springs

Forma & Forma Plus at Springs Aesthetics, Colorado Springs

Hi, this is Anisha with Springs Aesthetics, and today I’m going to be talking about Forma & Forma Plus by InMode for skin tightening. So how does it work? We have two head pieces, the smaller one and the larger one. The smaller one is awesome for the base of the neck, while the larger one is perfect for larger body areas such as your thighs, arm, stomach, and back. Forma is like no other device in market because unlike similar treatments, this one does not have lights or lasers. This treatment uses radiofrequency and it helps the skin heat up the subdermal layer of your skin. So what does it treat being that Forma is a non-invasive subdermal treatment. This is great for collagen and is great for remodeling and tightening up your skin. This allows collagen to increase and remodel to make your face look more or your body to look more youthful and to have a more functioning layer.

So what does it mean? That means for every treatment you get 13.6% of collagen, which is one treatment, which is awesome. And this is great for all skin tones. So if you suffer from fine lines, wrinkles, or texture, this treatment is for you. And for the face it’s about 20 minutes. The neck is about 10. The legs in the arm is about 40 and the abdomen is about 45 minutes. And we recommended it to all of eight treatments, and we require you to come in at least once a week. And we do offer maintenance program packages. So after the eight treatments are done, you can come in between three to six months and we can help you with your long-term goal. So the cool thing about this is there is no downtime. A lot of people say it feels like a warm massage and it helps with your collagen loss. Or if you just want just kind of a pick me up before a special an event, this is awesome for you. So please give our office a call and we would love to see you and have a great consultation so we can help you. Thank you.