Multiple facelift procedures are available to treat various patient needs
The last few decades have seen some tremendous advances in the field of plastic surgery, especially for facelift procedures. It’s becoming increasingly common place for individuals to seek some form of facelift treatment in order to gain a more youthful and healthy appearance. For some patients, getting a procedure done is to make themselves feel better about their appearance while others may do it for work-related reasons as they feel that it keeps them competitive. No matter the reason, having a facelift done continues to be very popular. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that there were 128,266 facelift procedures done in 2014. (1) Of course, not all facelifts are the same. Experienced oculofacial plastic surgeons, such as Dr. John R. Burroughs of Colorado Springs, know that the needs of the patient will dictate exactly, which facelift technique is best for an individual patient.
The stigma of getting a facelift has pretty much disappeared as people are now very comfortable with getting a cosmetic procedure done. In fact, the average cost of a facelift was only $6,550 in 2014. (2) While facelifts were once considered the province of aging Hollywood actresses, more men are choosing to go under the knife. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that in the five years following 2010, the number of men opting for a facelift had increased by a full 44%. (3) Another reason why people are choosing to get a facelift is that the quality of such a procedure continues to impress when done by a fully trained and experienced physician, such as Dr. John Burroughs, Medical Director of Springs Aesthetics. A study published in 2014 found that 68.5% of patients reported that the improvement of their facial appearance was very good or beyond expectations a full 12.6 years after the facelift had been done. The same percentage also reported that they felt that a full ten years had been added to their youthful appearance. (4) Such results show the reasons for the continuing popularity of facelifts.
However, not all facelifts are the same. The exact technique that is required is determined by the needs of the patient. An experienced oculofacial plastic surgeon, such as Dr. John R. Burroughs of Colorado Springs, will thoroughly discuss with the patient in order to determine the proper course of treatment. The doctor will also explain all the benefits and potential drawbacks that can occur due to the treatment. The different facelift procedures vary by the incision needed, the area of the face that is targeted, the degree of invasiveness, and the number of tissue layers impacted. Three of the most common facelift techniques are the Deep Plane Lift, the Mid-Face Lift, and the Mini Lift. The Deep Plane Lift is the most invasive facelift procedure, but it also provides the most dramatic results, which can last 10+ years. This procedure is commonly done for those who suffer with severe facial sagging and laxity issues. The plastic surgeon makes incisions along the hairline and around the ears in order to lift and reposition the skin, SMAS (submuscular aponeurotic system), muscles, and fatty tissue layers. The tissue in the mid-facial and cheekbones regions may also be lifted and repositioned while excess skin and fatty tissues are removed.
The Mid-Face Lift targets the middle third of the patient’s face. In this procedure, the surgeon, such as Dr. John R. Burroughs of Colorado Springs, will make incisions either along the hairline and/or at the outer corner of the eyelids. The fatty tissue layer that resides over the cheekbones is then lifted and repositioned. The benefits of this procedure is that scars are well concealed in the crow’s feet or hair-bearing areas near the temples, the nose-to-mouth lines are often improved, and sagging cheeks are lifted. The end result is a more youthful appearance for the patient. The Mini-Lift, also known as the mini-incision facelift, is the least invasive type of facelift and targets the lower third of the patient’s face. The surgeon will make incisions from the top of the front ear to just behind the ear and then pull the patient’s tissue upward and outward toward the ears. Excess skin is trimmed away after the tissue is positioned to accentuate the patient’s natural facial contours and bone structure. Support may or may not be needed by supporting the SMAS close to the ear. The end result of a Mini Lift is that there is a reduction in sagging jowls, skin, and wrinkles in the lower third of the face, which are the goals of the traditional facelift procedure. One major advantage to the mini-incision facelift is lower risk to the nerves that perform our facial expressions, allow our eyes to close, and our forehead to lift. Another significant advantage is that the procedure is quick and can be performed in the office setting with minimal to no sedation just using local anesthetic injections. Lastly this approach offers the fastest recovery. Some patients even return to work the next day though strenuous activities are limited for a week to avoid re-bleeding under the incision or disruption of the healing incisions.
Dr. John Burroughs, Medical Director of Springs Aesthetics, notes, “There are now many proven skincare treatments to help one improve the skin appearance and look younger.” Springs Aesthetics offers the full gamut from completely non-invasive to surgical. The non-invasive technologies we offer include: (1) radio-frequency “Forma” skin tightening treatments; and (2) radio-frequency fat reduction and skin tightening “Body FX and Mini-FX.” Dr. Burroughs also offers minimally invasive face and neck lifting with the Inmode RFAL (Radiofrequency Assisted Lipolysis) device. This very advanced device has been used in Europe and Canada for years and is not FDA approved for use in the U.S. The RFAL device tightens the skin by the insertion of a heating probe just under the skin to tighten and help increase collagen production. Dr. Burroughs is the only surgeon in Southern Colorado offering this new device that provides results close to incisional surgery results with no incisions. Dr. Burroughs has also used it in conjunction with mini-incision facelift surgery. The RFAL helps reduce fat and can be used with or without traditional liposuction techniques and provides tightening of the skin, which traditional liposuction does not provide.
Surgically there are quite a few distinct facelift procedures as they each address a specific section of the face or neck. The exact procedure used is determined by what the patient needs. Those looking to improve sagging jowls and a less-defined chin will benefit from the Mini Lift while those looking to enhance the appearance of their sagging cheeks will have a Mid-Face Lift done. The most dramatic, though seldom needed, is the Deep Plane Lift, which is a great procedure for older patients to gain a more youthful and healthy appearance. Of course, there are other facelift procedures as well, such as brow lifts also commonly called a forehead or “upper facelift.” The point is that there are specific techniques that can be used to address the distinct needs of the patient. Each procedure has its own benefits and drawbacks, and we always make sure that our clients are fully informed of such considerations, as well as recovery times and care, so they can make a fully informed decision. I find it very gratifying that I can help a patient look years younger and feel better about themselves with a procedure that only takes an hour or two to perform. I cannot wait to see what future innovations are developed to make facelifts an even better choice than they are now.” (5)
As one can see, there are a number of different facelift options available for patients to choose from, according to their specific needs. A person no longer needs to be resigned to having sagging skin, poor facial definition, or poor skin quality. Further, a study published in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery showed that facelifts can improve the self-esteem of patients after surgery. A consultation with a licensed and aesthetically trained physician, such as Dr. John R. Burroughs of Colorado Springs, will lead to a proper course of treatment that will eventually take years off a person’s appearance by reducing unsightly sagging skin. Even better is that most of his procedures are done in a relatively short time, with minimal invasiveness/risk, and quick recovery.
2) https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/facelift?sub=Facelift+cost
5) Quote from Dr. John R. Burroughs, Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon in Colorado Springs
6) http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamafacialplasticsurgery/article-abstract/2466608
Dr. John Burroughs specializes in eyelids, orbits, and faces and has performed over 20,000 related procedures. His role in oculofacial plastic surgeries has been highly appreciated.
He is an alumnus of the Air Academy High School, University of Texas, and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine), Maryland. He later followed a transitional internship and ophthalmology residency in San Antonio, TX, and has decades of aesthetic treatment experience.
Dr. Burroughs is American Board of Ophthalmology-certified and is a Fellow of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons, the Oculofacial Society and the American Academy of Ophthalmology and a member of many other associations. He is a lifelong learner and teacher.