Dr. John Burroughs is an oculo-facial plastic surgeon treating eyelid, orbital, and facial cosmetic and reconstructive issues. Colorado Springs is at about 6600 feet altitude, and has a very dry climate. As we age our eyes become more tear deficient for many reasons. Some patient have trouble getting drops in their eyes to help them feel better and be more healthy. One trick is to close your eyes and apply a drop at the inner corner where the eyelids come together then open and close and it will work its way onto the eye.
A newer alternative is an over-the-counter dry eye spray made by Ocusoft. This product is applied by spraying the solution onto the closed eyes. Dr. Burroughs has had some patients try this and it seems to be helpful. Time will tell if this catches on with patients and especially those with manual dexterity issues of getting drops into their eyes. A problem for female patients is the risk of causing their makeup to run. There are numerous approaches to improve patients with tear abnormalities, which can be very important as ocular surface scarring and infections can occur in the more severe states. Eyelid surgery can also be helpful to improve the eyelid function during blinking and coverage of the globe.
Dr. John Burroughs specializes in eyelids, orbits, and faces and has performed over 20,000 related procedures. His role in oculofacial plastic surgeries has been highly appreciated.
He is an alumnus of the Air Academy High School, University of Texas, and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine), Maryland. He later followed a transitional internship and ophthalmology residency in San Antonio, TX, and has decades of aesthetic treatment experience.
Dr. Burroughs is American Board of Ophthalmology-certified and is a Fellow of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons, the Oculofacial Society and the American Academy of Ophthalmology and a member of many other associations. He is a lifelong learner and teacher.